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It's not Church without U
September 1, 2024, 12:00 AM

It’s not ChUrch without U!

Like many churches, we experienced a “summer slow-down” where there are less planned activities. As we move into September, we have incredible ministry opportunities every week. I love to see how my calendar has filled up!

I recently said in a sermon that the church is not a building or Sunday worship. The church is the community of people who gather in Jesus’ name. All these activities are opportunities for us to gather and BE the Church. And here is the important thing: U are an important part of the community that gathers.

Your presence makes us more complete. Your presence is felt and known at every gathering. The gifts and skills you bring are vital to the work we are called to do. We want and need you at our different ministry opportunities this month.

September 4th, we will begin what we hope to be a new ministry to adults living in group homes here in Atlantic. This idea came out of our visioning process, and we are so excited to see how it will come to life. Bring your lawn chair and join us out back for hot dogs, S’mores, and yard games. We welcome all people through radical hospitality.

September 10th, I will go lead worship service at Allen Place and Atlantic Specialty Care. I love being able to offer opportunities for people to worship God, even if they cannot get to a church building. We invest in our community through loving service.

September 14th, we will have our monthly prayer breakfast at Heritage House at 9:00 am. Breakfast is provided for us, so all we need to do is show up. During this hour, we visit, eat, and pray. Jesus is at the center of all we do.

September 15th, we will have an abbreviated worship service here at UCC and then head over to the barn of a member at the Presbyterian church for worship and fellowship. We learned during Lent how great it felt to have full fellowship halls and sanctuaries; we will begin doing more mutual ministry with the Presbyterian church to uplift and support one another. Jesus is at the center of all we do.

September 18th, I will be teaching a special Bible study at 12:15 exploring different translations of the Bible. Jesus is at the Center of all we do.

September 29th, is a 5th Sunday! We have begun celebrating those months with 5 Sundays with a potluck meal- usually brunch themed. This is a great opportunity to break bread together and catch up. We welcome all people through radical hospitality.

We hope you join us in and through the work God is doing here at UCC!